AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The time is now and America’s most popular politican Bernie Sanders has a crackerjack plan.

He lays it on the table with a bang-on, pitch-perfect speech he recently gifted us at the Riverside Church in NYC’s Upper West Side, at the exact same pulpit where Martin Luther King once rocked the house. It is a blockbuster of human rights. A practical guide to justice. A manifesto for all people. Even the ones that hate you, even the ones you hate.

I urge you to watch it (below), to be aroused and inspired to act.

My people, I know we’ve been working hard, but are we ready to move out of our bubbles and engage even more with the political process and give even more to our communities and the planet? What do we want to teach our children? More than piles of our stuff, they will inherit our world. Bernie’s latest book aimed at young people – Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution –  can help.

The shit-storm of all time is right here, right now and we know in our guts that we can’t look away; we know in our hearts that we have to step up. This smart, bold, driven man has a deeply rooted vision for a more compassionate world, and he is offering us the exquisite opportunity to rise to our higher selves. Our very humanity and survival of our planet depends on it. The time of reckoning is now.

Take a deep breath.

This is the Bernie Sanders’ dream. This is our chance.

#wakeup #standup #politicalrevolution #moralrevolution #lovearmy #ourrevolution #berniesanders


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